
วันเสาร์ที่ 8 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 13 (27/09/2016)

Today, teacher taught us "how to rollover caption and image"
The first, you should add  blank slide for make it.
The second,choose the image that you want to teach vocabulary.
The third, choose 'object' and select " rollover caption"

And then drag blue square by cover the image

The last step,enter word or vocabulary in 'Type the caption text here' after that click preview ' from this slide' The text will show,if you  touch the image.

Next, how to put the sound for read the vocabulary.
you can do like this and you have to add image's earphone one picture and click 'object' and select "rollover caption" and then drag blue square cover the earphone like this picture.

After that click your blue square and select  option is on your right hand for add audio.

This program is easy to do everything even if  you want to create games. Easy way to create game are  first you should add blank slide and click "Interaction" and then select " learning interaction"
there are many game such as word search, memory game and millionaire you can choose it and apply to your lesson.

วันพุธที่ 21 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 12 (20/09/2016)

Today,teacher taught us how to create a test and exit page by Adobe Captivate 8.
You should create new project that use for create a test only!!
Question Slides is program for create test only.When we create a test we should control our choice by click "Quic"
For example

  • Shuffle answer  for random choices.
  • No. of attempt is mean how many time that student can do
That is some example about option for control a test and there are many option for control. This methods are the most important when you make the project.
Later,teacher taught us how to create exit page.It is as important as register page and question slide.


Learning Log 11 (13/09/2016)

This week teacher told us about Adobe Captivate 8
It's program to create CALL. It is look like PowerPoint,easy to create project.

Teacher introduced about basic tool.
There are main menu,control bottom,panel group,filmstrip

    {                           Main Menu                         }{   control bottom }                          {Panel Group}                                        

*Panel Group ,properties are control everything in project.
Teacher taught about how to create register page and simply way to create a test in this program.
First way to create project,I added blank project and chose the size 1024*768.
Second I added background  and then teacher taught how to create register page.
We can create about Pre-Test , Post -Test ,Exercise  in this program. It's very easy to create by add slide  Question slide,there are multiple choice, true/false , Fill in the blank,short answer and matching.I think this is simply way to create a test with this program.

Learning Log 10 (06/09/2016)

This week I learnt about the research Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language
Teaching in Thailand : Overview
There are advantages and Disadvantages of  Call in Language Learning
The advantages are
1.The use of CALL to support in language learning provides students with the authenticity of the input.Student can have an opportunity to interact in one or more of the four core skill,namely listening,speaking,reading,and writing because they have to use or produce text.
2.CALL,especially computer mediated communication or CMC,helps encourage foreign language learners to produce comprehensible output. That is interaction through CMC allows learners to receive input,to use feedback to monitor their language.
3.CALL is able to provide learners with the kinds of information and support that they require to complete individual tasks and to respond to the diversity of learner need even within a single classroom structure.
4 CALL cab be use to promote autonomous learning
Thailand,there are relatively few persons have an  in-depth understanding of theoretical issues of language-learning and teaching as well as programming skill and the ability to develop large-scale coherent infrastructures for language-learning and teaching.
CALL there are advantages and Disadvantage but We should use CALL to supplementing and applied methodologies.

วันศุกร์ที่ 2 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 9 30/08/2016

This week I learnt about CALL : Computer Assisted Language Learning

                                      Different between CALL and CAI
CALL                                                                                                    CAI         
- to teach every subject                                                               - to teach only language (English)

                                        Simile between CALL and CAI

Two programs can put multimedia,text and picture.

The main purposes.
1.It's interesting2.Draw the learner attraction
3.Interact with computer by themselves
4.They will get immediate feedback
5.CAI also help students's different intelligent

There are 7 type  in CAI
1.Tutorial Instruction
2.Drills and Practice
6.Problem Solving

Good point
-Time save
-It more interesting
-Students can learn whenever/wherever
-computer can keep a lot of information

Bad point
-Have to spend  time to design.

วันศุกร์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 8 23/08/2016

This week  I studied outside the classroom at Wadmai school. I did many activity for children such as played games , sang songs. The songs that we used in activity such as head shoulders knees and toes , elephant why are you so big? and If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands song all of song are enjoy. And I learnt about  informal contractions from
If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands song. There is informal contractions in this
song ,it is want to when I sang I had to sing wanna because "wanna" in English used in speaking.
For example in the song.

If you're happy and you know it and you really want to show it,

Another example
gimme = give me
Gimme your money.

gonna = going to
Nothing's gonna change my love for you.
I'm not gonna tell you.

gotta = (have) got a
I've gotta gun.
I gotta gun.

ain't = am not/are not/is notI ain't sure.You ain't my boss.

This is good experience for me because my friends and I planed all the activity , prepared the game and did every thing together. I was happy and enjoy in this day because we saw children were happy in their activities.

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 7 15/08/2016

This week I learnt about "False friend" its mean  words in two languages (or letters in two alphabets)[1] that look or sound similar, but differ significantly in meaning.For example "sexsy"
In Thai mean โป้ (การแต่งตัวที่ล่อแหลม)                                                            In English mean  เย้ายวน

My friends and I debate the homework about connotation word such as "friend" in Thai mean เพื่อนยาก มิตร สหาย  มิตรสหาย ความหมายแฝง คือ เพื่อนยาก ซึ่งจะให้กับเพื่อนที่ร่วมทุกข์ร่วมสุขกันมายาวนาน ผ่านร้อนผ่านหนาวมาด้วยกัน ซึ่งมีความหมายคล้าย สหาย เป็นต้น And subject in English have more meaning in Thai such as "I" in Thai mean ดิฉัน ฉัน ข้าพเจ้า กระหม่อม เป็นต้น
when we have finished homework.Teacher taught us about CALL.

CALL  : Computer-Assisted Language Learning
               (CALL) is often perceived, somewhat narrowly, as an approach to language teaching and learning in which the computer is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element.

1. Behaviorist
CALL and Audiolingual method (listening and speaking) Programs entailed repetitive language drill
and can be referred to as drill as practice
After that,teacher told us about how to create CALL .First we have to prepare data .The second we have to design CALL .The third we have to plan in story board.

And we presented article about Applying Innovating Spirit to Multimedia Foreign Language Teaching.This article told about the application of the multimedia technology offers advance teaching methods.In conclusion they told experience and improve teaching methods constantly,multimedia will bring about more positive changes to foreign language teaching and therefore greater achievements will be made in our foreign language teaching.